Fire Prevention Week visits
By Engineer Thomas Mattingly Sr.
October 23, 2015

It has been a busy week at Company 1 with fire prevention activities throughout our first due. Members visited Father Andrew White School, Captain Walter Francis Duke Elementary, and Banneker Elementary and provided fire prevention material to the students. We also spoke to them about being our messengers to spread our fire prevention message. Information about smoke detectors, ‘stop, drop, and roll’, how to call 911 to report an emergency and planning exit drills in the event of a fire was given to the children. The children also looked at Engine 11 and took time for a photo op. Also during fire prevention week, classes from the Leonardtown Elementary School came to the Station for a visit and tour. They were also provided with a fire safety talk and fire prevention material. Thanks to all for the school system staff for working with us to make sure that their classes are aware of the Importance of having a fire safe home.