Just after 1500hrs Leonardtown VFD and multiple surrounding companies were alerted for the Large Non-Dwelling Fire off Rosebank Ct. Engine 11(4 Personnel) & Truck 1(Chief 1B & 3 Personnel) responded shortly after dispatch.
The Engine & Truck arrived on the scene together reporting a 20x20 shed fully involved with some extension to the surrounding woods. Chief 1B established the command while the Engine & Truck crews stretched 2 hand lines. Engine 72 was next arriving and deployed a 3rd handline from Engine 11.
Units from Leonardtown and Hollywood knocked down the fire and performed the overhaul with the help of Engine 52’s crew. The incident was scaled back to the units from 1,7, Tanker 51, Tanker 224, and an ambulance. Units operated on the scene for about an hour before returning to quarters. |