Leonardtown VFD recognized at State Convention
By Captain Thomas Mattingly, Jr.
July 13, 2014

Company 1 was well represented at Maryland State Firemen’s Association Convention during the week of June 14 thru June 20, 2014. Members of the department attended business session during the week long convention in Ocean City and took time out to view the many displays and visit fire equipment vendors at the convention center. We were pleased that the department was able to have our new 2014 Seagrave Pumper-Tanker on display. The new unit received many favorable comments from visitors at the convention. The highlight for Engine 14 was during the parade when it was awarded the “Best Appearing Pumper-Tanker” trophy.
Members of the department’s Fire Prevention Committee also submitted a project for special recognition as part of the extensive fire prevention work being done within the community. The entry was for the “Single Project Class V, Volunteer Personnel Fire Prevention Category” based on the demonstration and display at the annual Beach Party on the Square held in Leonardtown each year. We want to congratulate the committee for winning a first place in the Special Projects category. Keep up the great year round work in public fire education.
The department is also very pleased that several members were recognized for their service. First, we had seven deceased members recognized during the memorial service on Sunday and we are very thankful to have had these dedicated members as part of our organization for so many years. On Tuesday, Jared Trossbach was the recipient of the “MSFA Firefighter of the Year Award” for outstanding performance of his duties in our department. Congratulations and keep up the good work as you continue to develop your firefighting skills. Also two of our members were recognized for over fifty years of service to the state, county and our department. These two members were among sixty-seven nominees for the “Marbury F. Gates Service Cup Award”. Both Louis F. “Freddie” Burris and Thomas A. Mattingly Sr. were nominated by the department and were presented with certificates for their service. The award of the Gates Service Cup was presented to Thomas Mattingly Sr. by the Rockville Volunteer Fire Department. The large trophy will be displayed at the fire station for one year and a permanent trophy placed in the station trophy case. This is the second time that a member of the department has received this award with Past Chief William G. Holley receiving it nearly twenty-five years ago.
Congratulations to our members and keep up the good work.

Units: Engine 14