Volunteers Practice "Denver Drill"
By Leonardtown Volunteers
February 2, 2015

Every Monday we gather for drill to continue learning, refresh skills, and ultimately to continue to deliver a better community service. This Monday was no different, the drill focused on something very important which was "Save Your Own", meaning practicing saving a fellow firefighter who has become in danger. The drill we practiced is better known as the "Denver Drill"; this drill came from a 1992 fatal fire in Denver, CO were firefighters were unable to lift a fellow fallen firefighter to a window sill while having limited space to maneuver him. We drill to prevent incidents like this from reoccurring.

The Denver Drill requires 2 firefighters to make entry into the window. One sits on the floor behind the victim with their knees bent up and back against the wall under the window. The second climbs over the victim and faces the window. The victim is lifted by the two firefighters up to the window sill and then pulled out the window by firefighters on the outside.